Saturday, December 5, 2009

Was One; there is One and but One saith Kabir); The Red Mist of Doing has thinned to a cloud-- He has taken the Path for _bairagi_ avowed!.

Out. The sergeant's eyes bulged in return at this display before he was lost from sight by the rising milling bodies. "Quiet! Attention! Hands at sides feet together stomachs in chests out chins back eyes forward-and stop breathing!" The purple ranks swayed and writhed into this absurd military stance then were still. Silence descended as the sergeant glared around with dark suspicion. "Did I hear someone.
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"Lynch. He's Conroy's bumboy on the site. Tell him. " He unfolded the paper and removed the fat military microsoft. There was a note in blue capitals: BREAK A LEG ASSHOLE SEE YOU IN THE DF "Do you really want me to tell him that?" "Tell him. " "You're the boss. " "You fucking know it " Turner said crumpling the paper and thrusting it into Harry's left armpit. Harry smiled sweetly and vacantly and the intelligence that had risen in him settled again like some aquatic beast sinking effortlessly down into a smooth sea of sun-addled vapidity. Turner stared into his eyes. cracked yellow opal and saw nothing there but sun and the broken highway. A hand with missing joints came up to scratch absently at a week's growth of beard. "Now " Turner said. Harry turned pulled his bike up from the tangle of brush shouldered it with a grunt and began to.
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